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Which One Absorbs Moisture Better: Calcium Chloride Or Silica Gel?

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Silica gel is not the only chemical substance that can help you get rid of excess moisture.

Calcium chloride which is used to fill those little packets you could find hidden inside your shoes, new clothes, or handbags, is another material widely employed for this very purpose.

Moisture control products right at your fingertip, all you need to do is to contact a renown and reputable calcium chloride desiccant bag manufacturer to enjoy this benefit.


Calcium Chloride and Silica Gel Comparison

Which product, however, is more effective in reducing humidity in the air? Which one is better at absorbing moisture? Let’s begin with some theory.


Silica Gel

Sodium silicate is used to make silica gel. It has a granular texture and is extremely permeable.

This material can not only collect and store moisture, but it can also release that moisture when heated to a temperature of around 120oC, allowing it to be reused.

In around five hours, silica gel may absorb about 30 percent of its own weight in moisture. However, after that period, its capacity to absorb moisture drastically decreases.


Calcium Chloride

Calcium chloride is a mineral and an inorganic chemical compound that is employed in a variety of sectors, including food and pharmaceuticals.

It is called a hygroscopic substance because it absorbs water vapor from the air. It is also called a deliquescent because it turns the absorbed water vapor into a liquid in the form of an unsaturated solution.

calcium chloride desiccant bag

So, what can this theory teach us? Which one is more effective in removing extra moisture from the air? Consider the following facts:

  • Silica gel absorbs and holds moisture, whereas calcium chloride is a deliquescent, attracting moisture and converting it to a salty solution.
  • Calcium chloride absorbs 7 times more moisture than silica gel at 25 degrees Celsius and 70% relative humidity.
  • Calcium chloride can absorb moisture at low relative humidity levels, yet its capacity grows exponentially as humidity rises.
  • In contrast, even when the humidity level in the air changes, silica gel’s ability to absorb moisture relatively remains the same.
  • Calcium chloride absorbs moisture and converts it to a saline solution that may be thrown away.
  • When heated to temperatures of roughly 120oC, silica gel holds moisture inside before releasing it back into the air, allowing it to be used again.

calcium chloride desiccant bag

Clearly, calcium chloride is a far more effective substance for resolving problems caused by excess moisture.

Silica gel may be a good option for very small spaces for short periods of time.

Calcium chloride on the other hand, is the ideal solution for removing excess moisture in any sort of space, not only because it comes in a variety of forms and formats, but also because it is more effective and lasts longer.


Contact us for high quality calcium chloride desiccant bag

Getting rid of excess moisture from your packaged product, using calcium chloride desiccant bag is more effective and efficient in various industrial sectors, and also caters to all areas of your home.

Kindly click here to learn more or place an order, and be guaranteed of the best product from a reputable manufacturer.


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